When the riso prints were completed, we received scanned copies of our prints so that we could see them before the exhibition opened the next day. I was excited to see my print, but also nervous in case it didn't print how I expected it to.
When I first saw the scan of my print, I was happy that the layers lined up on the face, however I was disappointed that the rest didn't line up. On the print, you can see that one of the layers must have gotten stuck or moved when the master was created, meaning that half of the red layer wasn't lined up. Also, a lot of the tones didn't seem to print.
After speaking to another student, I found out that Ben from SLG was reprinting their print as one layer was upside down. I contacted Ben, and went to SLG to see him, and politely explained what I thought had happened, showing him how it should look. He was incredibly kind and apologetic, and managed to reprint my riso print for me ready for the exhibition later that day. This experience taught me a lot about working with external parties. Originally I felt guilty for going to ask him to reprint it for me as I didn't want to seem rude or ungrateful, but he said that I did the right thing and he was glad that I approached him about it.

The new riso print lined up perfectly, and I got some positive feedback at the private view, including Geoff asking how I managed to get the white window frames as it gave it a cut out feel. However, the tones still didn't print as I wanted them, but I am happy with the print. I think maybe I made the grey tones too similar, and if they were lighter the tones might have printed. This is definitely something to think about for next time.
Green Layer |
Red Layer |
Photoshop mock up |
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