Peter Arkle
I only recently discovered the work of Peter Arkle. I really like his piece '39 Things on Broadway', as I find it a really interesting concept that he has recorded an environment through the objects and people he saw, and the conversations he heard, rather than drawing the whole scene. I love the way he comments on each thing, adding humour to the piece. It makes me think about what I see and hear everyday, whether its something unusual or something that I see so often I've stopped noticing it.
George Grosz
I really like the way that George Grosz has focused on different aspects of the environment that he was observing, combining them to create one image. I love the use of overlapping and layering drawings together, as I feel that it gives them a totally new meaning and feel to them. The combination of different scales, and drawing both people and buildings works really well, and I would like to try overlapping my drawings. I feel that the way he has combined the drawings makes the environment feel chaotic and busy, which is a really effective method for capturing the atmosphere of the environment.
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