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Showing posts from January, 2018

Competition Project - Crit Feedback and Next Steps

Although we didn't need to have the final outcome finished for the crit, I wanted to get my animation as close as possible to its finished state, so that I could make the most of the feedback I received. I have been working a lot on the animation, trying to get as many scenes finished or close to being finished as possible. In the crit, I presented a nearly finished animation, however the first and last scene weren't completed. I also had a list of things I wanted to alter/change before I actually received feedback, as I had noticed issues such as the walk cycle in the last scene, and the gym scene not looking enough like a gym.  Feedback from the crit: Adapt the walk cycle slightly in the last scene - at the moment she is sliding a bit Gym scene - change the colour of the water bottle as it could look like ketchup out of the fridge - make it look more like the gym (could just be a poster in the background) Finish first scene Alarm clock scene - wh...

Ghost Post at the Postal Museum!

Thanks to our tutors, we were lucky to be able to have an exhibition at the Postal Museum, showing our postage stamps we designed before Christmas. It was a great start to the new term, and lovely to see everyone's work come together - all in the same size, format and context but at the same time incredibly diverse.  It was fun seeing our work in the context of a museum! I wish I took more photos of the event though!   Yuzhen's amazing design won first prize!

Competition Project - Tutorial Feedback

It was really helpful to get feedback mid way through the project.  Luke said that so far I seem to be on the right track in terms of planning and research/development. I know that I still have a lot to do for the animation to be complete, but it was reassuring to know that I am heading in the right direction. Luke gave me a few suggestions which were helpful.  He said I should plan and think about the transitions between scenes. I have done this a bit, but I have changed my storyboard slightly, and so I need to reconsider some transitions. He suggested that for the scene with the broken clock, to transition to the next scene I could try to have the camera follow a broken piece down to the floor. I hadn't thought of this before, and I am definitely planning to try it and see what it looks like.  He also said I could think about the types of texture I use as they are all very similar so far. I didn't want the textures to overpower the imagery and ...

More animation inspiration

Uncle Ginger - What is Bipolar Disorder? I saw this animation on Facebook, posted by It's Nice That, and it stuck in my head. They have cleverly used simple shapes and movements to visually explore a dense, difficult topic. The pastel colours are calming, and the simple geometric shapes are used to represent people and their feelings.  It is clear that Oskar Fischinger was influential in their style choices. They have used music combined with movement and graphic shapes to capture the viewers attention. I think that it is a good way to depict such a big topic.  Similar to the RSA brief, they started off with the audio, and had to tackle how to convey the same message using visuals to complement the audio. They have chosen a less literal approach, using graphic shapes to symbolise elements of the audio. My animation is going to be more literal, however I would like to try a more abstract animation in the future, using animations such as this and Oskar Fischinger ...

Animation Inspiration

Body Memory - Gyuri Cloe Lee This animation is a combination of small animations, and cleverly makes use of repetition and simple imagery to create an animation almost resembling a series of gifs. I think its a clever way to make an animation, especially in a limited amount of time. I liked that the imagery didn't always take up the whole screen, and there were clever pauses to allow the viewer to breathe and absorb info. The use of panels and overlaying more than one animation was really interesting. I would like to try and combine more than one composition into a scene of my animation, using split screen/a grid.  MS Society - Peepshow Collective I really enjoy looking at the work of tutors/people I know. Luke showed us the animation he worked on as part of Peepshow. It was really useful to see because he explained that they also started of with an audio file, which had a lot of factual info in. Watching the animation, and listening to him talk about the proce...

Gerald Scarfe 'Stage and Screen' at House of Illustration

Whilst at the House of Illustration, I went to see the Gerald Scarfe exhibition 'Stage and Screen'. The exhibition showed how skilful Scarfe is in a variety of areas, as it showed his sketches for Disney's Hercules, costumes, drawings for the Pink Floyd 'The Wall' and his work for 'The Nutcracker' at the English National Ballet. I really enjoyed seeing his painted film strips for his short film 'Long Drawn Out Trip'. Particularly as I am in the middle of an animation project, it was really inspiring to see the drawings. It was interesting to see how much/how little changes there were between each drawing, and how he transitioned between angles and scenes. 

Lucinda Rogers 'On Gentrification' at House of Illustration

I have admired Lucinda Roger's work for a while now. I really like her use of varied line weights and small hints of colour to emphasise certain aspects of busy scenes. She manages to capture so many details whilst drawing from life in busy public places. Hearing her talk about her work at Chelsea during first year made me even more interested in her work and her approach to reportage. Getting to see her work in person at House of Illustration was inspiring, as I didn't realise the scale of some her work.  This exhibition focuses on the topic of gentrification, particularly focused on Ridley Road Market. It is an area that is under a period of huge change and threat. Lucinda has used her work to help campaign against the loss of areas like this. At the exhibition, I saw some pieces she had done in a campaign to help save Old Spitalfields Market. Looking at these, and reading about her overcoming the struggles of drawing in a busy market scene reminded me ...