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City As Object project - moving from 2D to 3D

The next step was to create a 3D capriccio inspired by our drawings from the Barbican. I found it quite easy to gather ideas and designs for my model, as I spread out all of my drawings so that I could see them together and picked out elements that I liked. Sketching my ideas in thumbnails was really helpful because I could see how my idea was progressing and changing with each new sketch. 

Although designing it was quite easy, it was difficult to make. I had to make something that was sturdy, but also something that I could transport. I decided to make separate elements that I could later combine and attach when needed to ensure that nothing got broken when transported. I used wooden sticks, paper, electrical tape and wool to create my piece. 

I decided to pick out elements, such as the winding shape of a road and a running track in the 'Curve' exhibition at the Barbican, and change them into something new. I added a blue zebra crossing because some of my drawings using my rule of picking out the blue in the landscape looked like zebra crossing shapes. I also picked out the colours and shapes of the wooden flooring inside the Barbican, and the bricks outside. 

This is my finished model. I really wanted to add in a crane, as I liked a drawing I had done on the first day of a white crane peeking out from behind the buildings. However I ran out of time, and it would have been a fairly complex structure to make, and therefore I made the decision to leave it out. 

 I then used electrical tape to go back to drawing. However I combined my 3D model into my large scale drawing. I took the approach of extending some of the lines and shapes of my model onto the wall and the floor of our studio. I really enjoyed creating a large scale drawing using tape. Electrical tape is a material that I find can create really effective drawings, and it was interesting to combine 3D and 2D together. 
