This project had a tight deadline, but I worked hard and managed to get all illustrations finished and printed for the crit. I was happy with the book cover and two of the illustrations, but I could see changes I would make to the third one if I had more time. I do plan to make these changes after the crit, as I have some spare time before the next project starts. Book Cover: Originally, I wanted to use the streamers on the fan as the front cover to my book. I liked the simple collage I had done during George's book workshop of the fan streamers, however I wanted to change it to add some texture and make them less generic. However, I didn't like how simple it looked on the cover, and I felt that the text didn't sit well with it. Also, it was a very small part of the book, and I wanted to use something a bit more significant. As I wanted to focus on the objects, and the relationship between them and the characters, I decided to look at the typewriter. I think...