For this project, I wanted to keep it simple. Inspired by the foam stamp workshop in the studio, I decided to try my own at home. I started with simple geometric shapes. I like patterns using these kinds of shapes. However, after asking for advice about my work, I realised that it was too simple, too generic. Anyone could make those shapes. I needed to find something more individual and relevant to me. I have been using the garden as my inspiration recently, spending sunny afternoons in the garden drawing. It was suggested that I try and take these shapes from the garden and make them into stamps, keeping my work abstract but giving it more meaning.
I have decided to make sketchbooks or notebooks, all handmade and slightly different. Although the brief asks for an edition, I wanted to emphasise the handmade nature of the books, and so I plan to print the covers slightly differently. However, I will use the same stamps to ensure they look like part of the same series or edition. I decided to make sketchbooks because I thought about what I would buy at an art fair. I like to buy notebooks and sketchbooks, and handmade ones are always nice. It also means that I can keep things fairly simple. I already know how to bind books, and I have previously enjoyed making notebooks for people as presents.
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